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May 24, 2022
New feature

Activating TVs Just Got Easier! 🤩

We have released an update that makes it significantly easier to activate and manage your slideshows and TVs! 🙌 Previously, you had to go to your profile, where you would only see the TVs you yourself had activated. To help your organization keep better track, we moved all the activated TVs to their own section called TV management.


In there, you will find a list of the activated TVs, including the names of the slideshows, who activated them, and more. You can also edit the TV name or deactivate it – all in one place. Cool, right? 💪

Having a central place for all your organization's TVs makes it much easier to get an overview and control and manage your screens.

This new feature is available to all Global Admins and employees with permission to edit the Slideshow feature.

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